Monday, 16 September 2013

Codes Practice + Regulation


UK Defamation act 1996, are intended to protect the reputation of an individual against unjustified and unwarranted attacks. Any communication that is held to damage a reputation is considered defamatory even if it is fiction, meaning that such things as television, plays and magazine short stories fall under the remit of the law if they are seen to harm an individual. Libel is when information is published and slander is the verbal form of defamation.

Terms Of Copyright

Copyright is essential to publishing it is put there to protect someone's work and to ensure no one else can make a profit of your work. Copyright law in the UK dates back to the statute of Anne 1709, but became statutory law in 1911 with the passing of the copyright act. There is no single law that operates the same way in every country. Copyright is a private right that enables the creator of for example text, music, film or broadcast to protect there work and decide how it is distributed.

Data Protection and Privacy
1. Data Protection Act 1988
2. Protects Personal information for example phone numbers and addresses
3. Cannot pass info onto 3rd parties
4. Privacy-no law for personal privacy when intruded upon
The main reason these laws are placed is to prevent people from being harassed or having there personal life published to everyone.

Reference: Whittaker, J. (2008) Magazine production. London:Routledge

1 comment:

  1. Jack this is copied straight from the book. You need to write in own words.


    Ms Bennett
