Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fonts and typeface

A font is a style of text, the font determines the feeling that the text gives of. For example the harry potter.
The harry potter logo font style is very well selected as it looks mysterious and somewhat magical.

Type face
A design for a set of characters. Popular typefaces include Times Roman, Helvetica, and Courier. The typeface represents one aspect of a font. The font also includes such characteristics as size, weight, italics, and so on.
There are two general categories of typefaces: serif and sans serif. Sans serif typefaces are composed of simple lines, whereas serif typefaces use small decorative marks to embellish characters and make them easier to read. Helvetica is a sans serif type and Times Roman is a serif type.
perspiciatis-Times Roman
perspiciatis-Calibri (Body)

The size of the font matters a lot, if the font is too large it would make it look childish and unprofessional. Also with small font you can fit more text into a smaller space giving you the ability to get the best layout for the page or DPS.

In typography, kerning refers to adjusting the space between characters, especially by placing two characters closer together than normal. Kerning makes certain combinations of letters, such as WA, MW, TA, and VA, look better.

Leading-A typographical term that refers to the vertical space between lines of text. The word derives from the fact that typographers once used thin strips of lead to separate lines.

Justification-Alignment of text along a margin.

The compatibility of a piece of text would determine on the font. As some computers of devices would not have specific fonts installed, this makes sharing and transporting your work difficult.
It can be avoided by ensuring at first that both the devices have the font installed or just use a default font to avoid any inconveniences.
Didot is a name given to a group of typefaces.
Creative Media- Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Creative media-Blackoak Std

Creative Media-OCR A Extended


1 comment:

  1. An excellent start Jack, be sure to continue this and discuss all of the points covered in lesson and use examples from Publisher. You should begin to find websites that are useful to you for your DPS (fonts you could use). Also include screen shots from magazines whose styles you like and could use to help influence your work. You also need to talk about leading/kerning, justification and possible font compatibility issues.
