Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fonts and typeface

A font is a style of text, the font determines the feeling that the text gives of. For example the harry potter.
The harry potter logo font style is very well selected as it looks mysterious and somewhat magical.

Type face
A design for a set of characters. Popular typefaces include Times Roman, Helvetica, and Courier. The typeface represents one aspect of a font. The font also includes such characteristics as size, weight, italics, and so on.
There are two general categories of typefaces: serif and sans serif. Sans serif typefaces are composed of simple lines, whereas serif typefaces use small decorative marks to embellish characters and make them easier to read. Helvetica is a sans serif type and Times Roman is a serif type.
perspiciatis-Times Roman
perspiciatis-Calibri (Body)

The size of the font matters a lot, if the font is too large it would make it look childish and unprofessional. Also with small font you can fit more text into a smaller space giving you the ability to get the best layout for the page or DPS.

In typography, kerning refers to adjusting the space between characters, especially by placing two characters closer together than normal. Kerning makes certain combinations of letters, such as WA, MW, TA, and VA, look better.

Leading-A typographical term that refers to the vertical space between lines of text. The word derives from the fact that typographers once used thin strips of lead to separate lines.

Justification-Alignment of text along a margin.

The compatibility of a piece of text would determine on the font. As some computers of devices would not have specific fonts installed, this makes sharing and transporting your work difficult.
It can be avoided by ensuring at first that both the devices have the font installed or just use a default font to avoid any inconveniences.
Didot is a name given to a group of typefaces.
Creative Media- Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed
Creative media-Blackoak Std

Creative Media-OCR A Extended


Monday, 24 February 2014


What is copyright and what is its relevance to digital images?
Copyright is the act of presenting someone else's work as your own and not giving credit to the original creator e.g. photographer. The work must be original, which means that it must not have been copied from something that already exists. This is complex and not necessarily straightforward with regards to digital images. Because copyright protection in many cases is automatic and does not need registration, much digital content found on the Internet will be protected by copyright.

Copyright law in the UK is based upon a number of pieces of legislation, case law, directives, treaties and conventions, as well as interpretation. The work must be original, which means that it must not have been copied from something that already exists. This is complex and not necessarily straightforward with regards to digital images. The Copyright Designs and Patent Act 1988 (CDPA) was the first revision of the copyright laws in the UK for 32 years and came into effect in August 1989.

Duration of copyright
Under the present legislation, each classification for copyright has a fixed term for which copyright will last. For literary and artistic works, if the creator is known, the general rule is that copyright lasts for 70 years from the end of the year that the creator died. In terms of photographs, any photograph made in the UK or by a UK citizen since August 1989 will be in copyright for the life of the photographer plus 70 years.

If a photograph is of an artistic or literary work, then there may be two copyrights: one copyright in the original object and one in the photograph.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Aim: To plan photoshoot for DPS by researching images and evaluating the last shoot for the front cover

1. How could you have taken better photos for your front cover?

  • I could have used a much wider variety of settings to do the photo-shoot which would have maybe made the front cover more appealing. It also would have made the image maybe look more professional.
  • Take better quality photos, to do this I will need to get a better camera.
  • I will use a wider variety of camera angles in order to get the best photo in terms of lighting and general look of the models.

2. Which made up act will feature in your DPS?

The act will be an all new band as I probably wont be able to get the same people for a double page spread. The band will consist of 3-4 people and I am still unsure about the name of the band. It will be an all new band and the reason they will be featuring on the DPS is because they will be considering breaking up.

3.Who will model and why?

This is a list of possible models: Jay, Matt, Joshua.

There might be more but I am unsure at the moment. The reason I will be doing it with these people is simply because they are some of the people I will be meeting with. Also some of them are also doing a photo-shoot so I know they will be taking it relatively seriously. These people also are relatively indie looking.

4. Which settings in Brighton could you use and why?

For the photo-shoot I will be selecting indie venues for instance Brighton pier, The beach and possibly some areas in the lanes where there is graffiti to fit the indie theme of the photo-shoot.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Aim: To consider what the purpose of a DPS is and the key features within them as an article

What is a DPS?
Double Page Spread
2 facing pages of a magazine where the textual material on the left continues to the right hand side.

Looking in NME magazine for double page spreads
  • "On his own"-Damon Albarn discusses solo album
  • "Action Bronson"-A performance at the Irving Plaza in New York on January 11
  • "The final voyage"-John Lennon's final album
  • "Stranger than Friction?"-Warpaints second album
  • "Jet set jack"-Bombay bicycle club frontman Jack Steadman travelled the world to get inspiration for the bands fourth album
What does the headline suggest about the story?
The title "On his own" suggests that the artist featured is going solo from previously being in a band. It also suggests that you can expect some solo work from the artist.

What is the main message of this article?
The main message of the article is about a artist called Damon Albart going solo and is informing the reader about his first album release, the album will be released some time in 2014 and will be called "Everyday Robots".

How does the first line try to interest you?
The first line says "It all started when" this way of starting the article makes it seem more like a story which would make you want to know what its about and its also more likely to hook you in.

What percentage would you say quotes are?
There are no quotes in the article.
This Twitter is of the person who wrote the article